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HunyuanVideo-I2V: A Customizable Image-to-Video Model based on HunyuanVideo
一个现代化的全栈 AI Chatbot 应用,使用 React 和 Cloudflare Workers 结合 Connect RPC 构建,通过 Tauri 支持 Web、移动 App 和桌面端
⭐ A powerful Solana MEV bot designed for both browser and local use. It scans transactions in real time, identifies profitable opportunities across Pump.FUN, Jupiter, and Raydium, and executes trades with precision. Fully automated, fast, and optimized for maximum efficiency.
UI - Project management interface inspired by Linear. Built with Next.js and shadcn/ui, this application allows tracking of issues, projects and teams.
A Go implementation of the Ryu algorithm for converting floating-point numbers to strings
Guetzli perceptual JPEG encoder for Go (Zero Dependencies). guetzli, jpeg, jpeg-encoder
Validate, Diff, Render - A powerful tool designed to automate the generation of project files using customizable templates. automation, codegen, directory, files, rendering, repository, structure, template, yaml
:dog::dog::dog: 狗头语言(gotlang) :dog::dog::dog: gotlang, language, programming-language
A web server for forwarding events from service A to service B automation, feishu, github, iftt, lark, relay, webhook, zapier
`cmctl` or `kubectl cert-manager` is the command line utility that makes cert-manager'ing easier. cert-manager, command-line-tool
timea.go (did you see what I did there?) is a simple library to print given times in "time ago" manner. golang-library, time
A TLS proxy, Reverse proxy, and Web server that uses Let's Encrypt automatically. ech, encrypted-client-hello, http3, jwt, oidc, openid-client, openid-provider, passkeys, pki, quic, reverse-proxy, saml, self-hosted, sso, tls, tls-proxy, tlspassthrough, tpm, webauthn
CAST AI kubernetes cluster controller
leetcode in golang algorithm, leetcode
DynDNS-like tool for keeping your Plex IPv6 custom access URL up to date access, ddns, dyndns, ipv6, plex, remote, script
A Telegraph API wrapper in Go go-telegraph, golang-telegraph, hacktoberfest, telegraph, telegraph-api, telegraph-go
A CashShuffle server implented in Go.
Get a working HTTP Cache in Go (Golang) with only 3 lines of code!!!! cache, golang-library, http-cache, http-client, httpcache, httpcachedclient, rfc-7234
Context aware slog
🔭 Explorando e tomando notas sobre o mundo de observabilidade com Open Telemetry.
golang styles proxy client, support http/https, socks4/5, ssh
HunyuanVideo-I2V 是一个图像到视频生成的框架,通过 LoRA 训练支持可定制的特效生成。
MevBot Solana 是一个易于使用的 Solana 链上交易机器人,集成了防诈骗代币检测、自动网络连接和多种风险管理设置,并提供浏览器版本,无需Node.js即可在各种设备上运行。
Circle 是一个使用 Next.js 和 shadcn/ui 构建的,拥有现代响应式 UI 的项目管理工具,类似于 Linear。
这个Go语言实现的Guetzli JPEG编码器,能够以更小的文件体积生成高质量的JPEG图像,且支持多种图像格式和灵活的命令行参数。
Relay 能够转发事件,并在转发过程中注入自定义逻辑,实现过滤和增强等操作,简化了服务间事件传递的流程。
jsonfmt 是一款像 gofmt
一样自动格式化 JSON 文件的工具,并提供了多种安装方式。
Gocent是用Go语言编写的,用于与Centrifugo实时消息服务器交互的HTTP API客户端。
timea.go 是一个简洁且无依赖的 Go 语言库,可将给定的时间以“多久之前”或“多久之后”的方式呈现。
Sandflake 提供一种去中心化、可按字典顺序排序的唯一ID生成方案,能在每毫秒内产生极大量的ID。
TLSPROXY是一个功能丰富的TLS终端代理,它能自动获取Let's Encrypt证书,并能同时处理多种协议和后端服务,还支持用户验证和访问控制。
这个Go客户端以极简依赖实现了 Prometheus Remote Write 协议,兼容 Prometheus、Cortex、VictoriaMetrics 等时序数据库。
该Go语言包简化了开发者通过Telegraph API创建富文本帖子并使其在Telegram上拥有精美速览页面的过程。
该Go语言库通过注入缓存到HTTP客户端,以少量的代码实现符合RFC 7234标准的HTTP缓存功能,减少了在代码中显式处理缓存的需求。